Introducing electric car charging station
The electric vehicle charging station is called ECS or EVSE. This station supplies energy to electric vehicles such as plug-ins and hybrid cars.
These charging stations are like gas stations and can be located in various places. Toronto’s electric vehicle charging station will not require much equipment.
Electric vehicle charging stations worldwide are relatively safe and do not require a lot of safety equipment. So you can have an electric vehicle charging station at home or work.
Some electric cars are designed so that you can plug them into the mains and charge them.
But most electric cars need special chargers in charging stations or homes and commercial buildings, and you have to provide safe and memorable electricity to the vehicle.
Electric car charging stations worldwide have a wide range of brands installed and managed by private companies in the streets, shopping centers, parking lots, and restaurants. The charger sockets available in the charging stations should be compatible with the types of electric vehicles on the market. So these connections must have the required standards.
We use multi-standard chargers of the combined charging system or CCS for fast and regular DC chargers. We also use special sockets for fast-charging electric car battery chargers with AC.
Electric vehicle charging station safety in Canada
Charging electric or semi-electric cars may seem simple, and you can quickly charge an electric vehicle with a simple connection to a home power outlet.
But this is not the case, and in the charging stations, where several cars are charging most of the time, there is a measurement system for excess current and a mechanism to check the connection when the vehicle is not charging. There are two main models for safety sensors:
Current sensors show the power consumption during charging, predetermine the connection according to the charging request, and can disconnect and connect the current.
Wired sensors are also a type of sensor that has fast performance. These have fewer parts to break down and are cheaper. But the current sensors work as a standard and create better options for the charging station owner. In such a way, they are informed about the electricity consumption for the charge they supply. The following example is wired sensors that provide feedback signals available in SAE J1772 and IEC 62196 models.
How long does it take to charge an electric car at a charging station?
The charging time at an electric car charging station in Canada depends on the battery capacity and the charger’s power. In other words, the charging time of the battery depends on the amount of storm charging. The charging rate of the battery depends on the size of the charger and the battery voltage. The SAE Association of Chargers has divided cars into three different levels in terms of charging time:
Level 1: It is a 120V AC household with the lowest speed.
Level 2: It is a 240V VAC household level that has been upgraded and has a medium speed.
Level 3: The 480V DC supercharger level is the fastest type.
Types of chargers affecting the charging time at the electric car charging station in Toronto
Type 3 chargers can charge the battery up to 80% in 30 minutes. Manufacturers of these chargers are looking to follow more standards in these chargers. You can quickly get the battery charging time with the following formula:
Charger power or kilowatts/battery capacity or kilowatt hours = hours or duration of battery charging
The capacity of these batteries in electric cars of the first generation is approximately 20 kWh. They provided the driver with a range of about 160 kilometres in this amount, which seemed very small. Tesla was the first to mass-produce long-range electric vehicles. The company’s S model, which is more advanced, was released in the market with a battery capacity of 40, 60 and 85 kWh. Meanwhile, in the 60 kWh model, the car had a range of up to 480 km.
With technological advances and the supply of hybrid cars, PLUG-IN hybrid cars were introduced to the market of these devices. Their battery capacity was 3 to 5 kilowatt hours. The range of the electric motor in this car and batteries reaches 20-40 km. Some cars have a gasoline engine that can charge the electric motor anytime. These cars were capable of travelling any distance.
Nowadays, car manufacturers use in-car chargers for regular chargers or up to 4.7 kilowatts per hour. The charging cable of the mentioned cars is connected to the city electricity with 230 V AC.

How to charge an electric and hybrid car
You can consider the electric car as a revolution in the automotive industry. The electric car causes minor damage to the environment and reduces the emission of greenhouse gases.
These cars consume little energy and cause little noise pollution in their surroundings. With the presence of electric vehicles on the streets and roads, the issue of charging their batteries has become increasingly important to people. The most important question is where and how we should recharge the car battery if it runs out.
EVs and their battery charging
Most electric cars are single-engine and travel 250 kilometres per charge. So, it is better to use them for intra-city traffic. You can charge these cars at unique stations on roads or streets. The battery charger of these cars is 480 volts, and 80% of the battery volume is charged with 30 minutes of connection. The most well-known electric car model is Tesla. But Nissan Leaf is also considered one of the BEVs. An important issue related to the electric car battery is that the storm of these cars is of lithium-ion type, and if you don’t use it for a while, its charge will be empty and discharged.
How to charge an electric and hybrid car battery?
Today, hybrid electric cars are available in Canada in large numbers, and there is a great demand to buy them. As a result, enough battery charging stations have been built for these cars. Owners of electric vehicles should always carry their car chargers and preferably charge the car battery before leaving home. Before connecting the car charger, match the house’s voltage with the charger. KCS Group Company has years of experience installing electric car chargers in homes and commercial buildings. We use reliable charger brands and coordinate them with your home electricity.