Installation of a home electric car (EV) charger
If you buy an electric vehicle and want to charge it at home, you have only one option: a level 2 charging system, which works on 240 volts. Typically, the smallest EV you can drive on a 120-volt charge, called Level 1, and is 5 miles in an hour if the vehicle you’re charging is […]
Everything about electric car charging (EV charging)
With electric cars entering the roads and streets, a question often asked is how to charge them in Toronto. These cars are produced to deal with air pollution, reduce emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases, and preserve the environment. These cars use rechargeable batteries as energy sources and an electric motor as a driving force, […]
Canada enters the electric car industry
Canada is building the infrastructure to produce electric vehicles. The new announcements could create a leap in the production of electric cars. Most Canadians intend to buy an EV in the next five years. The statements regarding EVs may represent significant opportunities for Canadian vendors who currently serve or wish to serve the automotive supply […]